01 October 2012

An Early Arrival...

I had my 34 week checkup last Friday the 21st and as soon as I walked in, the nurse commented on my swollen feet. A short chat later with my doctor and we were walking across the parking lot to the hospital. I thought the week of being on my feet teaching had caught up with me, but the diagnosis was preeclampsia. They wanted to monitor me to see if it could be stabilized or if they would need to deliver her. By 4pm the next day, my kidney (I only have 1!) was starting to shut down and was taking my liver with it. Pretty scary!

They started to induce me and all seemed to be going okay. I was having contractions, but I fell asleep at about 9:30 and woke up at 11:30 because I felt something funny. I called the nurse because I thought my water had broke. Needless to say, it wasn't water. Frantic activity started, the doctor was called (twice...the second time I heard them tell him to hurry), the anesthesiologist came, an oxygen mask was put on me and my glasses were taken off. I really only remember bits and pieces from then on. Remember that I had been asleep, so I was not having serious contractions. My nurse later told me that they checked me when the doctor got there and I was at 5cm. The doctor broke my water and she popped out 8 minutes later. She said she had never seen it happen so fast. They were still trying to prepare the bed when I started pushing. My husband said it took 2 pushes and she was out. The NICU staff took her immediately, but she was crying, which was good!

She's still in the NICU, but she is doing well! I spend every second up here with her. You can imagine what this did to my class! They were expecting me after lunch that Friday, and bless their little hearts, they were immediately worried. My teammate let them know that I was in the hospital and not to worry. They were so excited when they heard I had her!

Unfortunately, my long term sub wasn't scheduled to start until the 15th, so I'm working with a temp sub for now, which means daily sub plans. I leave the hospital long enough to rush home, plan the next day, deliver the plans to another teacher who lives near me, and go back to the hospital. Thank goodness I have my sweet teammate who makes sure the sub is squared away every day. But...I can't wait for my long term sub to start!

In the meantime, I will be enjoying every second with my 4lb 5oz, 18 inch, sweet Emmalyn Avery.


  1. Congratulations.....what a wonderful surprise!

  2. Congratulations!! So glad everyone is okay! Hang in there and enjoy every second!

    The Learning Tree
