15 May 2015

Five for Friday

There is no tired like 4 days left of school tired. Add a school carnival on top of that. And 78 antsy second graders who are waiting for their postponed-because-of-never-ending-rain field day. Oh-and DRA testing. Don't get me wrong...I love to see the growth on DRA. But...there comes a moment when a kid-or several kids for that matter-keep passing those tests. Again. And again. And again. Yay! But when you've given what feels like 150 individual tests and you still have 20 kids to go, and you're like...for the love. You just did awesome on that. Sigh. Now I have to do ANOTHER one. Seriously-it's a love-hate relationship. (But on a serious note...I cannot BELIEVE some of my reading class's growth this year!!!)

But-despite how tired I am, I just had to link up for Five for Friday! You can link up to by clicking on the picture below!

Here is my week!

Okay...so this was technically last Friday. But...it's Ron Clark! I cannot even begin to explain how amazing my visit was at his school. If you can ever go...do it. You will not regret it.

While I was at RCA, I learned some great new activities to use in the classroom. This was similar to Headbandz, and I used content specific science vocabulary (habitats) as a review activity for my students. The went nuts for it. We used it again today, but we used weather vocabulary from the beginning of the year. I'm sure I will use it again at some point in the next 4 days! I got the headbands at the Dollar Tree.

I took a personal day on Wednesday, and anytime I do, the next day seems to be pure chaos. My table that afternoon serves as evidence. (See that DRA book hidden in the tray?!?!)

I wanted to do something different to wrap up the year. With all the DRA testing, I feel like my paras and specialists are getting to do all the "fun" stuff, and I'm stuck in the hallway all day. So, I thought it would be fun to do a novel to wrap up the year. I saw this Chocolate Fever Novel Unit by Amy Lemons from Step into Second Grade. You can check it out by clicking on the picture below.

One of their favorite activities by far has been creating their own "fever". Some of these cracked me up!

Probably one of the highlights of the school year is the Star Lab. usually we get to go in and see constellations and such, but this year the kids learned a lot about travel to Mars.

This is what the Star Lab looks like. It's inflatable and the kids have to crawl in.

For some reason, crawling in is probably their favorite part! They giggle nonstop. But-my favorite part is hearing the "Ooooohhh!!! Ahhhhhh!!!" when they get inside. Plus, this year I caught a moth that was distracting ALL of them inside. I'm ninja like that.

It's hard to give a good visual of what it's really like inside, but this was projected on the ceiling. It was pretty cool!

Well, that was my week in a nutshell! Only four more days, but they are JAM PACKED. I can't wait!!!

Have a happy weekend!


  1. That is so awesome you made it to RCA! It is def. on my bucket list of things to do. Your blog is super cute! We had a similar Star Lab assembly once and while it was cool--almost all of us ended up with a headache or stomach ache afterwards! Hope your last 4 days go great : )

    The Sassy Sub
