It's been a hot minute since I last posted, but I wanted to share this fun tag I made for my READ Camp teachers as a thank you gift. Now, these staff members deserve so much more than this because after one short week of summer break, they came back every morning of June to provide extra supporting to our striving readers. Our staff included classroom teachers, our PE teacher, paraprofessionals, and a health assistant. Teachers met with students for three hours each morning, providing explicit literacy instruction and additional practice in key skills.
We all know how student progress can be greatly affected by long breaks, so this our district's way of reducing the impact of summer break on academic progress.'s not all academic! We have lots of fun, too! The students were treated to guest readers like David Bruton, Jr., formerly of the Denver Broncos, as well as a canine handler from our sheriff's department, the local library district, and the Go Team therapy dogs. Our amazing PE teacher also came out every week to lead the kids in fun activities.
But...on to the tag! You can download a generic teacher version by clicking HERE. You can personalize it by inserting a text box for your name.