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  1. Hey Lori,
    I got the Jenga sheets! Thank You so much! She sure did mention you... I LOVE Hope...She's a rock STAR and I love that she is NOT a diva! I LOVE your blog too..I shall be frequenting it on a regular basis this year! I am a slacker and have not written in my blog in over a year...time to get back in the saddle again! Thank you again...Natalie

  2. Hi Lori,

    I am looking for the Jenga math 2 and 3 digit cards. Where can I find them? Thank you! Tiffany

  3. Hello, I have downloaded the I am looking forward to having you in my class with the googly eyes for the last 2 years and for some reason when I try to download now its encripted on my cell phone and on ,]my computer it just cancelsit. Is there any way to email me an editable version of it to as well as thanks!!!!!
